viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

H.W. 2.1 Talk with a partner about emergency situations that are likely to happen where you live. what would you do in these situations?
 Maybe one of the emergencies that could happen in my city, could be a crush car, it's very common because of traffic, and I think that the most important in this situations is help to the people that is hurt, and call to the "cruz roja" and if you know about first aid maybe you could help to the paramedics, but if you don't know about it, is better if don't hinder

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

H.W. 1.9 Work with a partner. Talk about things that people value in your country. Are these things different now than in the past? why or why not?

One of the things that the Mexican people value is heres gobs, since I remember the Mexican value it, maybe the religion is one of the things that mexican people value too but in resent years it decrease, one of the things that I value more is my family and talk whit my parents, maybe is because the major of mexican have so much love to own parents.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

H.W. 1.8 Share your ranking of actions that affect the future. Brainstorm two more positive and negative actions. Who is responsible of this actions? Doerr mentions individuals, businesses and governments. What could each group do about this actions.

-global warming
-lack of humanism
-lack of education
-myself fears
I thing that the lack of education and global warming (that are caused by companies and a inefficient government) are the most danger problems actually and maybe we can fight it whit awareness so the things that cant make change to better future are in counterweight to the bad.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

H.W. 1.7 Make a list of things you do every day that affect the environment. Then explain your list to the class.

-Listen music
-Wake up early
-Take a breakfast
-Do exercise
-See my friends and family
-Make my homework

When I wake up early, take a breakfast and make exercise at morning, I feel whit more energy and most happy to do all my tasks, and when I listen music when I do my tasks, it´s easily to concentrate or make faster all so this thing are good things to have a funny day but the things that really make different is when I can see my friends and family.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

H.W. 1.6 think about a time when you felt one of the emotions in the box. Tell your partner about your experience. Your partner will ask you for more details. (happiness, fear, surprise, sadness, anger or disgust)

-what happened?
In my birthday, my friends and family organized a surprise party to celebrate me, and when I arrived all the people in the party shouted "surprise".
-how did you feel?
I really felt in shock and then when I understood what passing, I felt happiness
-what did you do?
In that moment I shouted
-what did you lear from the experience?
Maybe what I learned was that my friends and family really love my much.

martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

H.W. 1.5 Tell your partner about something you are afraid of. Why are you afraid of it?

Something I´m afraid of, it´s to talk in public. I thing am afraid of it because I´m afraid to look ridiculous and maybe I´m afraid because when I was on basic school I was not so good to read and when I was read out loud at the school lounge, my partners scoff about it.