viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

H.W. 3.7 For friday 29 of april

Would you enjoy living and working aboard the International Space Station?

I thing that maybe work at International Space Station could be interesting, because if I stay here I can know about a lot of thing of the space and look so much interesting and classified information, and see how look the earth since the space, but I don´t really enjoy this kind of work and I don´t endure to be so many time in a separate place, I thing that maybe I´m a kind of claustrophobic so I will be so much desperate if I stay for at time there, and I prefer to have contact whit the people so this work it is not to me. Maybe I could see all the this that happen in the International Space Station since a screen, in my house but never stay here.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

H.W. 3.5 22/04/16
Talk about how you choose the school you attend or the class you are taking. how did you make the choice, and do you regret any of your decisions? 

Well, since I was kid, I like TEC, my mom was in this school and she told me that it was a great university. TEC is around my house so I think that it was a good decision to make my higher education here and I like TEC because it give you so much extra-curricular activities like championships sport of basket, soccer, tochito and someone else. When I was thinking about the school that I search a school that promote values and I think that this school promote them so well.

I think that the level of the classes of TEC are in a good level, like anothers school in a first word countries, thats the principal factor that I choose the school.